Work With Us

Interested in joining our team?

5 Reasons to Work with The Management Center

1. By helping our clients, you’ll have an impact on the most important issues facing our country,比如移民、种族公正、医疗保健、教育公平和气候变化。

2. Our clients are amazing people.You’ll work with leaders who go straight from talking with you to testifying on the Hill, leading a rally at the state capitol, or planning a new grassroots campaign with teams of organizers, and most days when you pick up the newspaper (or okay, read it online), you’ll see the results of their work.

3. Our team is awesome.You’ll be working with a group of smart, thoughtful, and genuinely nicepeople(at least we think we are!) who come from a wide range of professional and personal backgrounds.

4.We’re committed to making our own organization one wherepeople from all backgrounds – and in particular people with marginalized identities – thrive.While we have a lot of learning still to do, we’re working hard to incorporate equity and inclusion into all aspects of our work. That’s leading us to do things like proactively seeking to work with more groups led by and for people who identify as BIPOC, supporting identity-based caucuses for our staff (we have BIPOC, LGBTQ, and white-identified allies caucuses), and making sure each person on our team continually hones their own cultural proficiency skills. More in the works here!

5. We try to practice what we preach: great management.You’ll have clear expectations, receive feedback (some of it even useful), and get opportunities to grow and develop. You’ll do it all in a culture that aspires to exhibit excellence with heart and keeps the focus on equity, sustainability, and real-world results.

And a bonus reason… 6. We treat people well,from excellent salaries and benefits to flexible work arrangements to unusually good snacks, even while remote!

Job Openings

We do not currently have any open roles.

The roles below aren’t currently open, but if you’d like to be considered if/when we re-open these searches, please submit your application:

  • Coach, Progressive/Social Change Sector:该职位曾是非营利组织的高级领导(如执行董事、副总裁、C-Suite),也是一位经验丰富的经理,与非营利组织的高级领导1:1接触,帮助他们更有效、公平和可持续地管理。
  • Trainer, Education Equity Sector– Management (full-time, part-time, or contractor):Our education equity trainers have been senior leaders in education organizations (e.g. Assistant Superintendent / Manager of Principals / Executive Director / C-Suite) and highly experienced managers who teach other senior education leaders equitable management practices.
  • Trainer, Progressive/Social Change Sector– Management (full-time, part-time, or contractor):我们的进步/社会变革培训师都是非营利组织的高级领导者(例如执行董事、副总裁、C-Suite),以及经验丰富的管理者,他们向其他高级进步领导者传授公平管理实践。
  • Trainer – Project Manager & Non-Manager Staff(contractor):兼职/合同培训师为我们的项目经理和为变革而工作的员工提供培训,帮助他们管理团队为基础的项目和/或希望在自己的职责范围内取得成果的员工。
  • Training Operations Coordinator:我们正在寻找一名培训运营协调员(TOC),为我们的培训师和客户提供卓越的体验,通过无缝的后勤管理和培训计划,我们在全国范围内(最终)提供虚拟培训。

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