Staying Involved Without Micromanaging

Last updated: September 30, 2021
Estimated reading time: 4 min

A reader asks:

“I’m a new manager and know that I shouldn’t micromanage, but I’m not sure how to perform my role without being totally uninvolved. How do I make sure that work gets done well without actually micromanaging?”

First, it’s important to clarify that being an involved manager or checking in with your team is not the same thing as being a micromanager. A micromanager delegates work without really delegating decisions or showing trust. They dictate exactly how to do something and watch over every little step in the process. While a side-by-side approach might make sense during a training period or while developing a brand new skill, a micromanager consistently intervenes and imposes preferences in a way that undermines others’ growth and leadership. It quickly becomes demoralizing for staff who don’t feel trusted, won’t have room to develop new skills, and never get to have a sense ofownership over the workor goals.

Second, if you read that last paragraph and felt a pang of shame, don’t worry. The urge to micromanage often stems from a lack of trust, so start by figuring out where the low trust is coming from. Get to the root by asking: “Do I have confidence in [this staff person’s / team’s] knowledge, skill, and ability to do the work?”

  • If so, focus on building up yourdelegation tool belt, getting clear about thebest division of laboramong your team, andsetting staff up for successon projects so you can stay in the mix without overdoing it.
  • If not, ask:
    • “Have I seen a pattern of mistakes, unfinished work, or misunderstandings with this staff member?”
    • “How will I clarify expectations, support skill-building, and give feedback?”
    • “Am I imposingpreferences and traditionsthat aren’t really required for getting great results?”
    • “What biases might be shaping my trust in this person or team? Who can I ask for more perspective?”

Effective managers are clear on the desired outcomes, offer appropriate support (without taking the project back), and check on progress so that staff members can make needed adjustments before it’s too late. They also debrief with staff to foster learning and accountability.

Of course, there are times when an effective manager should manage more closely, such as when a staff member is new to their role, struggling to move work forward, isn’t approaching their job in line withrole expectations, or the stakes are very high. These are all opportunities to get curious and roll up your sleeves—so you can provide better support, not do more of the work. If you’rechecking in regularly, dedicate these meetings to figuring out what’s happening. Try ourCSAW approachto these conversations, be forthright about concerns, and develop a plan to get things back on track.

If you find your close involvement is needed for a long stretch, it might be a sign that the staff member needs more skill development or the beginning of a more serious performance issue you’ll need to address with intention and discernment. ReadFour Steps for Addressing Performance Problems.

As a manager, your job is to make sure you are delivering extraordinary, sustained results with team members empowered to thrive in and through the work. Part of getting great results is hiring great people, helping them learn, and giving them room to do their jobs well.

With this approach in mind, let’s look at specific ways to you can shift from micromanagement to effective management as you set staff up for success:

Micromanagement looks like… Effective management looks like…
Dictating how to do a task or approach a problem, even when it won’t affect the quality of the results. Clearly communicating goals and expectations at the outset. Getting everyone aligned on what success looks like, inviting staff perspectives, and sharing insight when it aids the results.
重新做自己的工作或取消他们的决定。 多引导,少做。在有改进的地方给予反馈,并要求员工再试一轮。
Constantly checking up on work that a staff member has already demonstrated they can do well. 预测工作将如何展开,设定里程碑和基准。有定期的检查和联系基础和标准化的反馈在两个方向。
Asking to see all emails before they go out or joining every project meeting just to observe or shadow. Asking to see “slices” of work (a sample of the whole, like a page from the new website design, or part of a class/training) to inform praise, curiosity, and feedback.
Never allowing a staff member to take full ownership of a project or area, only assigning it out task-by-task. Shifting a project or responsibility to a staff member and trusting them to drive the work forward.
Managing experienced, skilled staff members in the same way you manage more junior, less experienced ones. Adjusting your approach to fit the context.
Managing low-importance projects as closely as you would manage high-importance ones. Adjusting your approach to fit the organization’s priorities, your role, and the stakes.

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