Managing Managers

In some ways, managing managers is similar to managing anyone else – in that you need to build a great team, get aligned on goals and expectations on the front end, monitor the work and engage along the way, and create accountability and learning on the back end. But the key difference is that the work you’re overseeing ismanagement-所以你会在那个领域应用同样的技术。

Six Tips for Managing Managers

Management is both a technical and a relational skill. As the manager of a manager, you’re paying attention to the outcomes they lead their team to achieve and how they relate to their staff in the process. Here are six tips for managing managers.

Managing Managers Toolkit

This toolkit contains an overview of the tools in your management toolbelt and a checklist of the skills, behaviors, and practices to spot for when managing managers.

Expectations for Managers Sample

Whether you’re a senior leader or a middle manager, you can use this tool to get aligned with your team about management expectations and responsibilities.

How to Use Skip-Level Meetings Effectively

Skip-level meetings are one-on-one meetings that managers hold with staff other than the people they manage directly. They’re helpful for building relationships, gaining insight into your team and organization, and getting feedback about the managers that you manage.

How to Manage Skip-Level Relationships

Interacting with your direct reports’ direct reports—with care, attention, and consistency—has significant benefits. Here are three specific tips for navigating skip-level relationships successfully.

Skip-Level Meetings – Sample Emails to Managers and Staff

Send your managers and staff members these sample emails to get started with skip-level meetings today.

How to Spend Your Time as a New Manager

Becoming a manager does require a shift in how you spend your time alongside more attention to delegation. As a manager you still execute plenty of tasks—just not the same ones you used to.

How to Manage Someone More Experienced Than You

If you practice effective management well, differences in tenure, age, or expertise won’t matter as much as you think. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Frequently Asked Questions for Newly Promoted Managers

How do I manage my former peers? How do I manage when things are uncertain? Here are some of the most common questions we hear from newly promoted managers.

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